Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Christmas shopping.

I love christmas shopping, cuz i can buy things and not feel bad about spending $ !! anyways if ur a parent or caregiver i HIGHLY recommend this awesome toy: SING A MA JIG

They each sing their own song, the blue one sings When The Saints Go Marching In!! Great for the (NFL) Saints FAN! Anyway a child I babysit for has these guys and im obsessed with them. I think I like them more than he does as he told me to "Stop That" when i was indulging in their songs yesterday. *he's 2 so "stop that" is big lol*

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Jai Ho

currently i am obsessed with Slumdog Millionaire. I cant get enough! It is the most bittersweet heart warmed story i've ever heard in my life. Over winter break I plan to read the book and maybe re-read it a bunch of times. Is anyone else obsessed like me? I love Jamal, any man who trecks across his country for his one love is amazing in my eyes, never let them go! So After being enthralled with the bollywood break down at the end i wanted to know what Jai Ho meant and here is what I found:

The two best translations i found were these:
"we praise" and my personal favorite "may you be victorious". Those once foreign words will forever be my motto and bring tears of joy to my eyes.

Seriously though, this was one of the most moving movies i've ever seen. Check it out ASAP

Friday, October 29, 2010

new post secrets that made me laugh

post secrets i loved from last week

I shall squeeze the honey from each moment.

After countless thoughts about how to make the world a better place, i think i may have found the answer. well the short version: education. The extended version is what follows on this blog. This is not education how you know it, or how you think of it. This is education through experience, through thoughts and of course through feedback. Think of this blog as a way for you to better understand yourself, your life, the lives of those around you and the events that have taken place in your life. Take it for what it's worth, it may not seem to be much at first, but following this blog will certainly open your eyes to the good you could have-the good that is already surrounding you!

I guess you may want to know who it is you're reading from? Well here goes:

I am a graduate student who resides on Long Island. (NY for any out of state/out of country viewers) I am female. I am going to be a teacher one day very soon for elementary students. I am a personal care giver....young and old I nanny for. I have always cared very deeply for everyone I know, and even for those I do not know. I am sick of people being sad. Why be sad? My experiences show me we are only on this world for a brief moment of time, we need to take advantage of that time and have fun, learn, teach, experience.

When I was in fifth grade, my Aunt Rose gave me a bookmark from some bookstore I suppose, It had a watercolor lily on it with the following saying: "I shall try to squeeze the honey from each moment." I still have that bookmark hanging up on my wall. We laughed about it at first, sometimes I still laugh about it now, but I understand it and I follow it! From here on out this is it- I will squeeze the honey from each moment....are you in or out?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

the first entry

This is my first blog and i am excited to share it with the WORLD!